Episode 2 : 2 Tier Application Deployment๐Ÿ”ฅ

Episode 2 : 2 Tier Application Deployment๐Ÿ”ฅ


5 min read

Hello, learners in today's topic we will deploy a 2-Tier Application Deployment with the Help of Various DevOps Tools.

๐Ÿ“Œ Prerequisites

Here are some prerequisites for this project are given below:

  • AWS EC2

  • Git & GitHub

  • Docker

  • DockerHub

๐Ÿ“Œ Create an Ec2 instance

  • Log in to your AWS account with username and Password.

  • Click on the Launch instance option on the right side.

  • Now give the instance name and choose operating system image.

  • Select the instance type (t2.micro) and create a new key pair.

  • Now configure the network setting, storage and then launch your instance.

  • Now click on the Connect Button when your instance is in the Running Condition.

๐Ÿ“Œ Installing, configuring and troubleshooting the application

  • First, ssh your instance then run the following command for the Package update and Docker Installation.

      ssh -i "docker.pem" ubuntu@<public_dns>
      ssh -i <"key_name"> <user_name>@<public-ip>
      sudo apt-get update -y ; sudo apt install docker.io -y

Run the following command for the Package update and Docker Installation.

  • Troubleshoot the docker permission denied problem.

  • Clone the Repository from the git hub, copy the SSH and paste it into the terminal here is the command.


  • Write a Docker for the Python installation and Mysql Client.
# Use an official Python runtime as the base image
FROM python:3.9-slim

# Set the working directory in the container

# install required packages for system
RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get upgrade -y \
    && apt-get install -y gcc default-libmysqlclient-dev pkg-config \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Copy the requirements file into the container
COPY requirements.txt .

# Install app dependencies
RUN pip install mysqlclient
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

# Copy the rest of the application code
COPY . .

# Specify the command to run your application
CMD ["python", "app.py"]
  • After Writing the Docker file Now build it with the following commands it includes 1/8 Steps which I have Mentioned in the Screenshot.
docker build -t flaskapp-2tier .
docker images

  • Now Run the docker Container with the help of Docker images with Port Number with the help of the Below command.
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 flaskapp-2tier:latest
docker ps

  • Now open the Port in our Security Groups for Incoming Traffic and allow port no 5000.

  • Now Access the app with the help of the Public IP of Ec2 Instance with port no here is the Syntax:-

We need to create a MySQL Container.

docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="myadmin" mysql:5.7
docker ps

  • Now Access the app with the help of the Public IP of Ec2 Instance with port no here is the Syntax:-

Both containers are not communicating with each other because both containers are not in the same network. To solve this problem we have to create a custom bridge network.

  • We need to create a docker network 2tier to connect MySQL Container and MySQL Database.
docker network create twotier
docker network ls

  • Stop previous running containers, before creating new containers.

      docker kill <container-id-1> <container-id-2>
      docker rm <container-id-1> <container-id-2>

  • As per the Diagram need a MySQL Container with username and Password to use these commands to run I have to use the Environment Variable in these with -e.

sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --network=twotier -e MYSQL_HOST=mysql -e MYSQL_USER=root -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=myadmin -e MYSQL_DB=myDb flaskapp-2tier:latest

  • As per the Diagram need a MySQL Database username and Password use these commands to run I have used the Environment Variable in these with -e and run the mysql image latest.
sudo docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --network=twotier -e MYSQL_DATABASE=myDb -e MYSQL_USER=admin -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=admin -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin mysql:5.7
docker ps

As per the Diagram need a MySQL Database username and Password to use these commands to run I have used the Environment Variable in these with -e and run the MySQL image latest Diagram.

  • Check the Network of Both Containers and Inspect both containers on the Network with the help of the below command.
docker network ls 
docker network inspect twotier

  • Now your MySql Container and MySql Database are connected.

  • Create the Message table in your MySQL Database but before creating a table access the MySql Database and then enter in the mysql with the following commands.

sudo docker exec -it <container-id> bash
sudo mysql -u root -p
enter password

  • Check the Databases, use myDb and then create a table with the help of the following commands. use the syntax directly copy and paste to your terminal.
show databases;
use myDb;

CREATE TABLE messages (
    message TEXT

  • After Creating the table access your 2-Tier Flask Deployment App on your browser: with the help of the following syntax:

  • Add some messages and submit them for testing purposes.

  • Verify that data in the database.

๐Ÿ“Œ Push Your Docker Image To DockerHub

  • Login to your docker hub account.

      docker login
      Username: <dockerhub_username>
      Password: <dockerhub_password>

  • Again tag your docker image with your dockerhub username.

      docker images
      docker tag flaskapp-2tier:latest dushyantkumark/2-tier-flask-app:latest
      docker images

  • Push your tagged docker image to your docker hub account.

      docker push dushyantkumark/2-tier-flask-app:latest

  • Check your docker image in the docker hub account.


The above information is up to my understanding. Suggestions are always welcome. Thanks for reading this article.๐Ÿ˜Š

#aws #cloudcomputing #docker #Devops #TrainWithShubham #90daysofdevopsc #happylearning

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